June 04, 2011

What's been happening!!

Well....it's certainly been a busy last couple of month's for me now that I have gone self employed. Basically I have been doing this line of work for about 10 years now.....wow! Weird when you say it like that! Including Traditional upholstery to modern, hotels, bars, restaurants, hair salon's, car's,boat's, plane's and even leather repair!! 
I decided to have a go on my own this year, as I am confidant that the work is out there, and so far.....I have not been dissapointed!

I am slowly building up my fabric collection for customers to view, and I have a range of leather and faux leather sample's too!

I work from home at the moment in a workshop that me and my dad built together, it's not huge, but it's a clean and bright space to work in.....it's mine and I love working in there!! But if things keep going the way they are, then im sure I will be having to expand into a bigger place!

I have had alot of support from everybody in my life, from giving advice, handing buisness card's out, or just lending a hand when I need it! So to all of you, a big thank you!

I hope thing's keep going as well as this for the future, if you have any queries about anything at all, perhap's you have an item you want restored, or just some advice! My email is michaelsmithupholstery@gmail.com, and my mobile number is 07585809013.

Many thanks.

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